Customer Testimonials

Brutally honest reviews.

Honest Facebook Reviews:

Worker's Testimonials:


"Rain, dust, or sunlight – the display remains clear and easy to read. The battery also lasts my entire shift & more, even with heavy use!

Construction Foreman
Donald K.

"Wish I had this watch during my active days. The emergency features are top-notch. Still, it's perfect for my fishing trips"

Retired Firefighter
Pedro S.

"Working on a rig means rough conditions. This watch stands up to the challenge. Love the weather and safety alerts feature."

Oil Rig Worker
Joseph L.

"Grease, oil, and long hours. This watch handles it all. Battery life is insane, and I can answer calls without getting my phone filthy."

Diesel Mechanic
Arthur T.

"The vibration alerts are strong enough to notice even when I'm working with my power tools. It's functional, looks good, and feels sturdy. Highly recommend."

Matt D.

Customer Testimonials

"they weren't kidding when they said this thing was indestructible!"


"This watch has held up to grease, oil & dosing it with Brake Cleaner"


"Perfect, exactly what I've been looking for!"


"I got the full pack with all the straps, love it."


"I work as a pipe fitter and this thing is darn tough, handles anything day in day out"
