Submit Your Video Here
Receive a FREE Indestructible smartwatch By Sending Us A Short Video Review 📹
You read right, it's free.
We will send you a Indestructible Smartwatch in return for a short 15-45 second video review of our best selling indestructible watch.
Just follow these simple steps:
1) Use a phone or tablet that can record video

2) Record Your Video Review
*15-45 seconds long*
We suggest having a friend or family member record you..
(You can take them out for coffee later)
(You can take them out for coffee later)

Video Requirements 📹
To qualify for a FREE Indestructible Smartwatch, you must include these:
- Mention our company name:
Njord Gear Co. (pronounced "Nord") - Clearly show Your Face, your Indestructible Smartwatch AND the product box it came in
- Tell us why you needed an Indestructible Smartwatch in your line of work and how it's benefited you.
3)Email Us! 📧
Email us your video!
(From the same device you recorded it on, easy as pie)
(From the same device you recorded it on, easy as pie)
Don't forget to put your name that you used at checkout!
Or your order number, looks like this: #N10000
Or your order number, looks like this: #N10000

When we receive your video we will get in contact with you to confirm the right address.
And voila, a FREE Indestructible Smartwatch will be sent to you asap!
If you have any questions, send your concerns here: